L'età Romana e Tardoantica

Number of records found
» 9 buildings
» 37 pictures
The fifth historical period in the series “Storia dell’architettura nel Veneto” published by Marsilio and the Regione Veneto at 2013 is L'Età Romana e Tardoantica. The research was conducted by professors Patrizia Basso and Giuliana Cavalieri Manasse. Two approaches were adopted in the campaign of identifying and acquiring images: on one hand, research into and retrieval of historical iconographic material and, on the other, a new photographic campaign conducted by Gianantonio Battistella.

9 buildings (37 pictures) have been photographed documenting this period.

Building list

Piazza Brà, 1, Verona
vi Giulia Augusta, Aquileia (GO)
Piazza Cardinale C. Costantini, Concordia Sagittaria (VE)
Corso Porta Borsari, Verona
Corticella Leoni, 3, Verona
Regaste Redentore, 2, Verona, Verona